A docufilm about "Play - part I", more than twenty years later. As Zuliani stated: «"Play" is a film composed of four chapters, I created the first chapter, entitled "The Grove", between the ages of 13 and 16. I made a silent film, inspired by surrealist cinema, particularly Buñuel, an experimental film (with only one actor) which many people still find interesting today. I started with a Super 8 film camera that my father had given me, an old school friend and the desire to create my own unique style of cinema...».
Written and directed by Fabio Zuliani
With: Renato Ferrucci, Fabio Zuliani, Barbara Cusato, Carlo Re
Production: Alce Film Release
Genre: documentary
Length: 14 min.
Realization: 2012 + footage shot in 1990
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